Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Organization Behavior - Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Organization Behavior - - Essay Example will be difference between people and this causes discrimination based on the level of intelligence, body shape and wealth besides color and religion and nationality. In general, to shrink this phenomenon (discrimination), it will need a lot of good raising and education for children. 2. One of the goals of the civil rights movement was to ensure equal opportunity for every U.S. citizen, irrespective of race. When the civil rights movement began, the legal system did not grant the same rights to blacks and other minorities as it did to white. Today, those laws have been changed, leading some to argue that the U.S. has achieved a level playing field for all. In personal point of view, the playing field is not still absolutely level. The race-based â€Å"privilege† still plays an important factor in who gets which job. Despite the fact that the U.S. laws have bee changed to promote equal opportunity for all individuals of different races, discrimination still exists between people and they are still practicing it today. Complete elimination of discrimination is difficult because it needs to start with changing people’s attitudes, which is one of the most challenging tasks. Affirmative action aimed at eliminating issues of privilege and discrimination by ensuring equal opportunities for all genders of all races. It was crafted to achieve gender balance by ensuring that the workplace is not male dominated and that both female and male genders are equally represented. Yes it has been successful because it has reduced the level of discrimination through its stringent policies that require employers to abolish discrimination based on gender. However, it has not reached its full potential because there are many people still practicing discrimination. In Ms. Elliot’s â€Å"experiment,† labels (Blue and Red) performed the same behaviour as in person. It was a shock that the second labels, when given chance, did to the first label what the first label did to them.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Bullying Is a Legal Crime Essay Example for Free

Bullying Is a Legal Crime Essay On September 18, 2011 a 14-year-old Jamey Redeemer took his life after years of bullying. The news spread in a blink of an eye. The whole country mourned. Jamey cried for help for months. He regularly posted online about being bullied at school and how people would launch insults at him. Soon, students started to bully Jamey online. They posted horrible things like â€Å"I wouldnt care if you died. No one would. So just do it 🙂 It would make everyone WAY more happier!† Jamey left several messages on his blog letting everyone know that he was in trouble and needed help. But still no one listened. On Saturday night he posted a lyric from Lady Gaga’s song on his Facebook page which said: â€Å"Dont forget me when I come crying to heavens door.† In a few hours he wrote that he was looking forward to seeing his great grandmother, who recently died. It was Jamey’s final message. (â€Å"Suicide: Police Consider Criminal Bullying Charges†) As identified by the the United States Department of Justice, bullying has two key components: repeated harmful acts and an imbalance of power. â€Å"It involves repeated physical, verbal or psychological attacks or intimidation directed against a victim who cannot properly defend him- or herself because of size or strength, or because the victim is outnumbered or less psychologically resilient.†(Problem-Oriented Guides for Police Series) In other words, children are verbally and physically assaulted by their peers every day. At school, bullies rip their victims self-esteem to shreds while theirs gets high. It has become a huge problem in the U.S. Nearly 160 000 students stay home and miss school everyday due to the fear of being bullied. 20% of all children say they have been bullied and 20% of high school students say they have seriously considered suicide with the last 12 months. By age 24, 60% of bullies have a criminal record. (â€Å"National Center for Education Statist ics (NCES) Home Page, a Part of the U.S. Department of Education†) As a matter of fact, bullying can occur almost anywhere. At home. At work. At school or even on the street. It becomes a very widespread, invisible threat. Statistics go that that one out of 4 boys or girls will be bullied sometime throughout their childhood. (â€Å"The United States Department of Justice†) The media started to pay more attention to the problem of bullying recently. While it is seemingly impossible to defeat, it can be overturned. This is possible if parents get involved, students are taught how to identify and stop bullying, and if individuals stand up for and support the victims and bullies. These solutions overtime will definitely bring bullying to its demise. One of the widespread questions is who truly a bully is, why does he or she behave in such a way or another. For the most part, bullies are the kids who feel insecure about their beliefs and appearance or who are the victims of bullying. In that case, bullying becomes a mental defense for the victims. â€Å"A number of researchers believe that bullying occurs due to a combination of social interactions with parents, peers and teachers. The history of the parent-child relationship may contribute to cultivating a bully, and low levels of peer and teacher intervention combine to create opportunities for chronic bullies to thrive (as will be discussed later).† (Problem-Oriented Guides for Police Series) A child that comes from a poor, abusive and usually one-parent family will probably end up a bully. Being picked on at school or simply rejected by the peers, kids tease smaller ones just to feel better about themselves and release negative energy. Tracy Vaillancourt, Canada Research Chair in children’s mental health and violence prevention at the University of Ottawa claims that there are two types of bullies. The first type is the habitual bullies. â€Å"They tend to be really impulsive and have poor emotional regulation. And that represents about 10 per cent of kids who bully others.† (Interview: Whos a Bully?) Basically, Tracy Vaillancourt is saying that this type of a bully is the most rare one, but at the same time it is the most severe and brutal. It more or less becomes a disease that requires an immediate medical intervention. The point is that this type of a bully is the easiest to identify: it is usually impulsive kids who get into trouble in school for bad behavior. The second type of a bully is everyday kids. According to Tracy Vaillancourt, â€Å"they tend to be really popular; because they have power, they can abuse power.† It is the hardest type of a bully to identify. Therefore, it is the most dangerous one. Parents usually get blindsided when their kid might be bullying someone. They take their child’s side, and it is completely natural. Parents want to protect their son or daughter no matter what. Unfortunately, they don’t realize that they do more harm than good and that the consequence of such parenting behavior can be catastrophic. â€Å"In terms of childhood abuse and bullying, it is possible that intrusive, flashback memories of these traumatic events occur in adolescence and adulthood.† (â€Å"Society and Psychosis†) In other words, the authors of the â€Å"Society and Psychosis† believe that a victim of bullying will suffer psychological harm for almost the rest of his or her life. Moreover, a bullied child is more likely to develop a criminal record or get psychiatric disorder and mental illness than his or her peers. (Problem-Oriented Guides for Police Series) At this point, suicidal behavior becomes a real threat. And numerous teenage suicides and suicidal attempts are an alert and a call to action to all of us. As bullying becomes a serious problem, people try to come up with different ways of solving it. Different programs, developed to stop or at least reduce bulling, almost every time pay much attention to the parents and teachers. On the one hand, I agree that authorities including but not limited to parents, teachers and professor are capable of maintaining a positive surrounding for the kids creating a safe, free from bullying environment. But on the other hand, I still insist that those authorities are not the key to solving this problem. Bullying has been identified as a potential threat for a long time. This issue has been discussed many time at the different forums and summits, and all kinds of programs were introduced to stop it. But, apparently, it’s not working. Most of the teachers don’t even care about their students lives, since it’s not their business. That’s the way things are in my home country Russia. Teachers go to the classes, give lectures and go back home. They view their job as a way to educate students on a particular field of study. When, in fact, teachers are mentors for children or at least that’s what the have to be. They should set an example of a loving, accepting, tolerant human being who is willing to help and support a person in need whether it’s a student, colleague or a friend. The most important thing is that the first step in stopping bullying has to be made by us, the ones who are often easily affected by it. Every each one of us can contribute to solving this problem and making the world a better place. First of all, we have to change the climate of the school environment and stop putting the power in the hands of the teachers, or the government. I don’t believe they have the answers. I believe we do. It is out lives after all. The truth is that there’s no law that can be passed on the federal level to stop or prevent bullying. The public school system in the U.S. is operated by state laws that are hard to pass. (Bullying Prevention State Laws) Rather than dealing with the legal system, we should come to an understanding that we have the power to make a shift in how people view bullying and react to it. It is not an over night thing. It has to become a cultural change, a movement of tolerance, love and acceptance. Another thing is that people pay too much attention to cyber bullying and consider it as the major dangerous form of bullying. But, truthfully, it’s really not. It’s the most visible because you can see all the hate mails and comments online. The worst bullying experience is face to face, on the street, in the school, at home. There has to be a support system in our communities. We need to change the way kids think about themselves. There has to be a suppÐ ¾rt system around every human being that can help anyone build confidence in themselves and others. The work has to be done from the ground up. Creating a climate and an environment in schools where everyone feels safe has to become a priority today for parents, school administration, teachers and students themselves. By doing little acts of kindness, we will create a loving and accepting environment. Just come to a friend or a person you don’t know. Say a compliment or how good the weather is today, or simply: you look great. These are the things that are going to chÐ °nge the culture and make a huge shift in how people communicate and react to bullying in a particular environment. Just set an example. Because teenager are very impressionable. And if you set an example, the rest will follow. Find a friend. Tell somebody in your life, someone important or maybe someone you don’t know about love, tolerance and acceptance. It is not gonna be just the experts that are going to change things. It is going to be all of us. As we all know, life is an energy. And we are responsible for the energy we bring into this space. Every action has an opposite and equal reaction. If you insult someone, the negative energy you put onto them will come back to you. By brining negative energy onto those people, you are making them bring negative energy onto others. Firstly, empowering youth is one of the keys to stopping bullying. All of us have to set an example of brave and tolerant human beings. It has to become cool to be the person that says that something’s not quite right here, that help is needed here. For whatever reason, students tend to ignore the acts of bulling or teasing in school. They go to classes, do their homework, hand in the paper, go home Students notice the violence, happening in schools, but the do not speak about it. There needs to be attention that is payed to looking for signs of violence and bullying. When students start to look up for each other, then the major shift is made. Secondly, using a multifaceted, comprehensive approach will definitely decrease the percentage of bullied kids. This approach includes establishing a school-wide policy that addresses indirect bullying, providing guidelines for teachers and, most importantly, students on specific actions to take if bullying occurs, encouraging students to report known bullying, to be supportive to classmates who may be bullied and educating and involving parents so they understand the problem and the importance of it. I believe that each of us comes with a gift to use our lives, to bring goodness to the world, to connect with other people. Every single person, whether it’s victim of violence or the person who committed the violence,has one thing in common: we all want to know that what we do and what we say and who we are matters. We want to be validated. Every single person. Every argument is really about: do you see me, do you hear me, does what I say mean anything to you? Come up to a girl who always seats alone at the canteen, talk to her. Maybe you will be the one who’ll make her day. Be loving, accepting and tolerant. Only this way we’ll create a kind, free from violence and bullying environment.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Tess of the DUrbervilles by Hardy Essay -- essays research papers fc

-1- SAC Out come 2 – Literature In â€Å"Tess of the D’Urbervilles† Hardy does expose the social injustices and double standards which prevail in the late nineteenth century. These injustices and double standards are evident throughout the whole novel, and Tess, the main character, is the one who suffers them. This becomes evident from the first page when Parson Tringham meets Jack Durbeyfield and refers to him as â€Å"Sir John†. With his whimsical comment, made from the safety of a secure social position, the Parson begins the events which start the destruction and downfall of the whole Durbeyfield family. Logically the fact that Tess’s family and their â€Å"gentlefolk† relatives have the same descendents should mean that both sides of the family are equal, but this is not true. Hardy makes this obvious in the contrast between Tess’s mother’s dialect and the sense of her words, â€Å"That was all a part of the larry! We’ve been found to be the greatest gentlefolk in the whole county.†[p.21] The industrial revolution had begun a social revolution, and with ideas of democracy becoming popular, the notion of equality existed. But in the areas of England that housed the â€Å"landed gentry† it was no more than a notion. The gentry and peasantry were still totally separate and even if the gentry espoused the idea of equality, as Tess was accepted into the richer side of the family, the acceptance was hypocritical. As we find out later in the novel, Alec is not even a real D’Urberville; this perhaps represents the false and dishonest nature of that class privilege. It also highlights how arbitrary inherited position is. Alec D’Urberville, who believed because he had social position that he could do whatever he wanted, treated Tess cruelly. This raises the questions, should the rich treat the poor as they do? And how do the rich get rich? Could it be because they treat the peasants as they do? If they always have someone to look down upon they will always be of a higher class. If they are superior they have a duty to treat the less fortunate with respect and help them. One of the reasons the higher-class people saw themselves as superior was because of their strict religious beliefs. What ever happened to â€Å"do unto others†, and the fundamental equality of all before god? They are strongly religious but can still treat the peasants with disrespect and superiority. I believe t... ...e â€Å"had† Tess before he did, and if so, what about his responsibility for his preloved status? There was really no interest in this at the time, but Hardy does bring it to the reader’s attention. The last phase is called fulfilment, and Hardy finishes his long tale of misfortune and injustice. In a sense there is fulfilment. Tess is not released from the injustice or hypocrisy that she has suffered, but Hardy has ensured that it has been made apparent. The evil and false Alec is butchered, and Hardy does not encourage sorrow about this in the reader. Tess experiences forgiveness and the peace of total love from her ‘Angel’. Her last moments of love are set by Hardy in an ancient place that transcends the preoccupations and petty divisions of her time. Tess has stood with innocence and pride against all the injustice that was sent to her. This strength makes her endure as a symbol of the triumph of innocence over social restrictions, and a deeper meaning seems to imbue the beginning of Hardy’s last paragraph: â€Å" ‘Justice’ was done, and the President of the Immortals†¦.had ended his sport with Tess†.(p.397) Bibliography Thomas Hardy, Tess of the Durbervilles, Penguin Classics, 1998

Thursday, October 24, 2019

HENRY FORD :: essays research papers

hENRY FORD ---------- He produced an affordable car, paid high wages and helped create a middle class. Not bad for an autocrat.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Henry Ford1863-1947Henry Ford's parents left Ireland during the potato famine and settled in the Detroit area in the 1840s. Ford was born in what is now Dearborn, Michigan. His formal education was limited, but even as a youngster, he was handy with machinery. He worked for the Detroit Edison company, advancing from machine-shop apprentice to chief engineer. In 1893, Ford built a gasoline engine, and within a few years, an automobile, still a novelty item of the rich or do-it-yourself engineers. In 1899 Ford left Edison to help run the Detroit Automobile Company. Cars were still built essentially one at a time. Ford hoped to incorporate ideas from other industries -- standardized parts as Eli Whitney had used with gun manufacturing, or assembly line methods George Eastman tried in photo processing -- to make the process more efficient. This idea struck others in his field as nutty, so before long, Ford quite Detroit Automobile Company and began to build his own ra cing cars. They were good enough to attract backers and even partners, and in 1903, he set up the Ford Motor Company.He still met resistance to his ideas for mass production of a car the average worker could afford. But he stuck to his goal and finally in 1908, began production of the Model T. Ford gradually adapted the production line until in 1913, his plant incorporated the first moving assembly line. Demand for the affordable car soared even as production went up: before Ford stopped making the model T in 1927, 15 million had been sold, and Ford had become the leading auto manufacturer in the country. In addition to the moving assembly line, Ford revolutionized the auto industry by increasing the pay and decreasing the hours of his employees, ensuring he could get enough and the best workers. During the Model T era, Ford bought out his shareholders so he had complete financial control of the now vast corporation. He continued to innovate, but competitors (growing more powerful t hough fewer in number) began to cut into Ford's market share.Ford became interested in politics and as a successful and powerful business leader, was sometimes a participant in political affairs. In 1915, he funded a trip to Europe, where World War I was raging. He and about 170 others went -- without government support or approval -- to seek peace.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Populist Party’s Premature Fall into Obscurity Essay

Towards the end of the 19th Century, agricultural discontent was growing among the nation’s farmers. In the South, cotton that was selling for roughly 30 cents per pound after the Civil War was, at times, worth under six cents in the 1890’s. Wheat from the Midwest that had sold at $1.50 per bushel after the Civil War brought in 60 cents in the 1890’s. The nation’s agricultural base was tired of getting the raw deal from politicians, and finally made their voice heard through the Populist Party. When it first stepped onto the public stage, the party was very successful. However, the success was relatively short lived. While a number of factors contributed to the demise of the Populist Party, the failed election of 1896 played an integral role in its fall due to its inability to find a strong figurehead. The Populist Party formed from Alliances that had come from farm radicalism. Many of the Alliances were statewide, and most formed in the late 1870’s. Eventually, using the success of minor farm groups who had won elections, the Populist Party formed from southern and western farmers. Although there was a large group of northerners that was sympathetic to the party, it still tended to vote Republican. The party’s first convention, held in Omaha, Nebraska, brought in a variety of groups, including the Knights of Labor. The People’s (Populist) Party was trying to attract anyone and everyone to join its cause. General James B. Weaver of Iowa was nominated for President, and his running mate was a Confederate veteran. The party’s platform was very widespread, and it bordered on socialistic. The platform included graduated income tax,  national ownership of utilities, a subtreasury, and bimetallism. To please industrial workers, the party also advocated eight hour workdays, restriction of â€Å"undesirable† immigration, and it also shunned Pinkerton detectives. The party’s main supporters were still, however, the farmers. In order to raise prices on agricultural products, it supported unlimited coinage of silver, increasing the amount of money in circulation, and also allowing the holding of agricultural products off the market in times of low prices. In the 1860’s, the amount of silver it took to make a silver dollar was actually worth more than $1, which made coining the metal unprofitable. However, with the discovery of a large number of silver deposits in 1874, it again became plausible to coin the money. However, the Coinage Act of 1873 demonetized the metal and put the U.S. on the Gold Standard. This â€Å"Crime of ’73† infuriated inflationists and silver miners, who demanded a return to bimetallism. In 1878, the Bland-Allison Act made for the purchase of $2-4 million of silver per month, at market value. The government always bought the minimum, however, and this did very little to the economy. In 1890, the Sherman Silver Purchase Act required 4.5 million ounces of silver to be bought monthly, but even this was not enough to save the plummeting value of silver. As no one was happy with the compromises, Grover Cleveland repealed the Sherman Silver Purchase Act in 1893, which reverted the country back to a gold standard, and caused the southern and western democrats to split from the party. These issues were still present for the election of 1896. The Democratic nomination for President, William Jennings Brian, was also supported by the Populists. While they feared losing their individual identity, they had no candidate of their own that could win the election. As a matter of fact, a pure Populist nominee would ensure McKinley’s election. In an attempt to preserve the party’s identity, the Populists nominated a vice-president separate from the Democrats’. Although Brian managed to win the South, the Plains states, and the Rocky Mountains, McKinley pulled out the rest, and won with 271 electoral votes to Bryan’s 176. Brian lost in the popular votes by fewer than 600,000 votes. The lost election spelled the end of the Populist Party. In addition to the lost presidential election, the party also lost many local and state elections. The South divided again, because their support of blacks went against their white supremacy beliefs, which caused a great rift. In addition, the western farmers’ agendas were quite different from those of the southerners, which caused another split in the already wounded party. It was just a matter of time before the party faded into obscurity. The Populist Party, while short-lived, did bring a number of issues to America’s attention. The silver debates, agricultural economy, and many other arguments brought forth by the populists were still argued after their demise following the Election of 1896. Without the populists, the gold standard may have remained longer, and we may have even retained it today. The populists challenged things everyday Americans took for granted, and taught us a valuable lesson. Things can be changed, and those changes, while hard to bring about, can be for the betterment of the entire nation.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on Work And Marriage

Dee Mathis – Research Paper Working and Marriage Jobs can and do effect marriages and can cause marital breakups. In the military, have dual careers have been know to cause breakups. Not just in the marriage, but also in the family. There is probably more infidelity going on the military than in civilian life. Because of this it caused work/life problems that went unnoticed by the military. Separation causes relationship stress, which result in job stress. Having two individuals focusing on their careers tends to build gaps in the relationship. I feel that it takes a strong relationship to with stand the dealing of separation, overtime at the job and lack of time spent at home. Today job demands are so great that they becoming the cause of breaking down the very foundations that may have taken years and years to build. According to Workforce Magazine, in 1994, 2.3 million couples were married. That same year, 1.2million couples officially agreed their marriages couldn’t be saved, (Workforce Dec 2001). HR professiona ls should care about their employee’s personal lives. Not to the extent that they are always butting in their businesses, but enough to be concerned as to what could effect their job performance. I agree that the quality of an individual’s work life can be the deciding factor as to weather one has a good relationship or bad. Job strain can harm relationships and relationship strain can and will hinder job productivity. If two individuals are having relationship strain, they tend to bring their personal feeling on the job. In most companies the HR professionals have left the discussion balancing the work and family out of the interviewing processes i.e. childcare and elder care. However, companies like Johnson & Johnson, Hewlett Packard and CIGNA who are known for having family-friendly policies, and no programs directly aimed at helping employees develop and maintain positive relationships with th... Free Essays on Work And Marriage Free Essays on Work And Marriage Dee Mathis – Research Paper Working and Marriage Jobs can and do effect marriages and can cause marital breakups. In the military, have dual careers have been know to cause breakups. Not just in the marriage, but also in the family. There is probably more infidelity going on the military than in civilian life. Because of this it caused work/life problems that went unnoticed by the military. Separation causes relationship stress, which result in job stress. Having two individuals focusing on their careers tends to build gaps in the relationship. I feel that it takes a strong relationship to with stand the dealing of separation, overtime at the job and lack of time spent at home. Today job demands are so great that they becoming the cause of breaking down the very foundations that may have taken years and years to build. According to Workforce Magazine, in 1994, 2.3 million couples were married. That same year, 1.2million couples officially agreed their marriages couldn’t be saved, (Workforce Dec 2001). HR professiona ls should care about their employee’s personal lives. Not to the extent that they are always butting in their businesses, but enough to be concerned as to what could effect their job performance. I agree that the quality of an individual’s work life can be the deciding factor as to weather one has a good relationship or bad. Job strain can harm relationships and relationship strain can and will hinder job productivity. If two individuals are having relationship strain, they tend to bring their personal feeling on the job. In most companies the HR professionals have left the discussion balancing the work and family out of the interviewing processes i.e. childcare and elder care. However, companies like Johnson & Johnson, Hewlett Packard and CIGNA who are known for having family-friendly policies, and no programs directly aimed at helping employees develop and maintain positive relationships with th...

Monday, October 21, 2019

The Costs Versus the Benefits of Illegal Immigration Essays

The Costs Versus the Benefits of Illegal Immigration Essays The Costs Versus the Benefits of Illegal Immigration Paper The Costs Versus the Benefits of Illegal Immigration Paper The Cost versus the Benefits of Illegal Immigration Every year thousands of people choose to leave their home country and come to the United States to start a new life. They dream of freedom and endless possibilities that they would never have in their home countries. Unfortunately, there are those who chose to disregard the law and come to this country illegally. It is estimated that there are 20 million illegal immigrants in the U. S. today. Illegal immigration affects our country in many ways. The cost of illegal immigration effects many aspects of our economy. One way in which our economy is affected is when an illegal immigrant is injured or sick and must go to the hospital. They often do not have the money to pay the bill, and the hospitals do not have a way to bill the patient as they are here illegally and either move often or give false information. The hospitals cannot refuse treatment, so this means that we, the taxpayers, must take on the burden of paying for those costs. Another affect illegal immigration has on our economy is the fact that migrant workers will work for less than minimum wage. This makes fewer jobs available for legal entry level citizens, which puts a huge strain on our economy. There is also the issue of securing our borders to keep illegal immigrants out. One of the newest resolutions to this issue is building a fence, which will cost a lot of money to build, maintain and defend. Another cost of illegal immigration is the cost of innocent American lives taken by illegal immigrants who drive without insurance or a license, and those affected by the gangs that have come out of Mexico, such as the Mexican Mafia and MS-13. One might ask, â€Å"Are there any benefits to illegal immigration? † Well, it depends on who you talk to. According to some groups, there are some pros to illegal immigration. Some think that it helps to keep the economy moving by filling low-wage jobs that many Americans do not want; it creates a bigger pool of customers for a variety of goods and services; farmers are able to plant and harvest their crops less expensively; millions of illegal’s rent properties in depressed areas where renters are hard to find. There are also those who say that illegal’s contribute to social security funds, which often go unclaimed; contribute to mortgage loan profits, open bank accounts that yield interest and dividends to bankers and purchase real estate and generate commissions for agents and brokers. (Garibaldi) In general, illegal immigrants coming from Mexico, South and Central America are trying to make money and help support their families here and abroad. Many of them are fleeing oppression, unemployment and poverty. Again, it truly depends on who you talk to in order to find any benefits to illegal immigration. From what I have been able to find, there are very few sources that include benefits of illegal immigration to the United States. There are, however, many benefits of illegal immigration for Mexico. Unfortunately, that does not do the U. S. any good. It seems to me that the negative effects far outweigh the positive effects. Many studies have been done which document the fact that illegal immigrants are a major burden on local communities. FAIR estimates that current local annual costs of illegal immigration for educating the children in public schools and providing medical services in emergency rooms and prisons amounts to approximately $36 billion. It is estimated that the yearly fiscal costs in 2010 will increase by nearly 70% to $61. 5 billion for those same program areas, and by an additional 73% by 2020. Studies done in 2004 and 2005 examining the fiscal costs of illegal immigration in California, Arizona, Texas and Florida show that the annual net costs were $8. 8 billion ($1,183 per household), $1. 3 billion ($717 per household), $3. 73 billion ($725 per household), and $. 91 billion ($315 per household) respectively. (Fairus. org) FAIR claims that illegal immigration is a key factor influencing the number of people without healthcare in the U. S. and the reason for the fiscal crisis burdening public healthcare systems. (Immigration issues) A recent study claims that one in every four people in the United State s is an immigrant. Nearly half of the immigrants living in the U. S. either have no insurance or it is provided to them at the taxpayers’ expense. As much as two-thirds of operating costs for some hospitals are for uncompensated care for sick or injured illegal aliens. This increase in uncompensated care has forces some hospitals to reduce staff, increase rates, eliminate services and shut down certain areas such as maternity wards and trauma centers. In the last ten years, legal and illegal immigrants and their children who arrived in the U. S. between 1994 and 1998 account for 59% of the growth of the uninsured population. In California, legislators are debating a government fix for the California health care market. Largely because of government policies, regulations and mandates, the cost of hiring a legal employee in California far exceeds the cost of hiring the same employees in Oregon, Nevada, Arizona and Washington. The tax burden on California businesses far exceeds the burdens on businesses in those same states, and despite its abundant energy resources, California pays more for energy than any other state except Hawaii. So how can businesses survive in this kind of environment? Some move out of state, while others choose a different route. Some pay employees under the table, some hire illegal aliens and participate in an underground economy. Theses underground economies, or black markets, exist in response to avoid government costs and regulations. These underground economies are not fair to legitimate business people and can have many bad side effects, such as the cost illegal immigration inflicts on the public education system, hospital emergency rooms and prisons. (Healthcare Reform and Illegal Immigration) The net annual cost of immigration has been estimated at between $67 and $87 billion a year. The National Academy of Sciences found that the net fiscal drain on American taxpayers is between $166 and $226 a year per native household. Economic Costs) Many issues arise when a company, large or small chooses to hire an illegal immigrant over an American citizen. In the end, nobody truly benefits. For awhile, the company may benefit because their operating costs will be lower. However, when they are eventually caught, the resulting fines and the loss of business due to being shut down will quickly overturn the amount s aved by hiring the illegal. This also has a negative effect on the American citizen who now must rely on welfare because the illegal immigrant took the only job available. More and more people have to rely on welfare which puts even more of a burden on all taxpayers. Between 40 and 50 percent of wage-loss among low-skilled Americans is due to the in-migration of low-skilled workers. Many American workers lose their jobs through unfair competition. An estimated 1,880,000 American workers are displaced from their jobs every year by immigration and the cost for providing welfare and assistance to these Americans is over $15 billion a year FAIR research. (Economic Costs) Many wonder if a border fence is a good solution to keeping illegal immigrants out of the U. S. It has been the topic of many debates around the country. There are many people on both sides of the issue. According to many north and south of the fence, it is working. Since about only one fifth of the fence is complete, those who planned to cross where the fence is now can simply go elsewhere. U. S. officials have vowed to complete nearly 400 of the 700 miles of the fence by the end of 2008. The big question is how much this the fence going to cost? The House Appropriations Committee estimates that the fence will cost around $9 million per mile, for a total cost of approximately $6. billion. However, the House Homeland Security committee estimates that the fence will cost about $2 to $4 billion. Some say the fence could cost upwards of $50 billion to build. There is also the issue of maintaining the fence. It is estimated that maintaining the fence could cost nearly $70 million per mile over its 25 year life span. Will the benefits of the fence outweigh the costs associated wi th building the fence? It all depends on who you ask. Some say the fence is pointless if it does not cut deep enough into the ground since the discovery of more and more tunnels linking the U. S. and Mexico. Some critics joke that if the fence is 10 feet tall, illegal immigrants would find shovels that are 11 feet tall. Others feel that we have to do whatever it takes to protect our borders and keep illegal immigrants out. It is not a violation of the law to leave the scene of an accident in Mexico as it is in the United States. It should not be surprising that Mexicans driving in the U. S. , especially those here illegally and driving without a license or insurance are more likely to flee from the scene of a car accident than a U. S. driver. (Fairus. rg) There are ten states that do not require ‘lawful proof of presence’ for an applicant to obtain a drivers license. In these ten states, Hawaii, Maryland, Michigan, Montana, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oregon, Utah, Washington and Wisconsin, 14. 4% of traffic fatalities are caused be non licensed drivers, compared to the national average of 13. 6%. The top ten states containing the highest population of illegal immigrants are California, Texas, New York, Arizona, Florida, Illinois, Georgia, North Carolina, New Jersey and Colorado. In these states, 14. 6% of fatalities from car accidents are caused by unlicensed drivers. The percentage of hit-and-run drivers is higher in these states as well. Some say that illegal immigration is a ‘victimless crime’. Consider this: Over 25% of today’s prison population consists of illegal aliens. Violent crime and drug possession and distribution are prevalent among illegal immigrants. In Los Angeles, 95% of about 1500 outstanding warrants for homicides are for illegal aliens. About 67% of the 17,000 outstanding fugitive felony warrants are for illegal aliens. There are currently over 400,000 unaccounted for illegal alien criminals with outstanding deportation orders, of which at least 25% are hard core criminals. There are 80,000 to 100,000 illegal’s who have been convicted of serious crimes that are walking the streets. Some studies say they will commit on average 13 serious crimes per offender. At least 4. 5 million pounds of cocaine is smuggled across the southern border every year. Illegal immigrants commit anywhere from 700,000 to 1,289,000 or more crimes in a given year. Approximately 2,158 murders are committed by illegal immigrants each year. Illegal sexual predators commit an estimated 130,900 sex crimes every year. There are approximately 240,000 illegal sex offenders throughout the United States, who will commit an average of 8 sex crimes before being caught. Nearly 63% of these sex offenders have been deported on another offense prior to committing the sex crime. Only 2% of illegal sex offenders had no history of criminal behavior. Though nobody knows just how big, the sex slave problem is enormous. The horribly brutal gang MS-13 has over 15,000 members and is in at least 33 states. Given these facts, how could illegal immigration possibly be considered a ‘victimless crime’? (usillegalaliens. om) It would take a much longer than this paper allows to cover all of the possible costs of illegal immigration. From what I could find, the costs far outweigh the benefits of this issue. Illegal immigration cannot be ignored- something must be done. It is not fair to the immigrants who chose to follow the law and come to this country legally so that they may become true American citizens a nd live â€Å"The American Dream. † Without immigrants, the United States of America would not be what it is today. We are all from somewhere else, and while the laws were different when many of our ancestors came here, the law is the law and must be followed. Today’s lawmakers are on their way to funding a solution. The fence is a good place to start. That cannot work without extensive immigration reform. There cannot be sanctuary cities. If someone wants to come to this country to make a better life for themselves and their families, they must follow the law, become legal citizens, learn about our country and learn to speak English. Illegal immigration is a crime and is not acceptable. The United States and it’s citizens simply cannot afford it. Economic Costs. The American Resistance. 6 April 2008 theamericanresistance. om/issues/economic_costs. html. Editorials. 12 July 2007. MySanAntonio. com. 6 April 2008 mysanantonio. com/opinion/editorials/stories/MYSA071307. 01O. tunnel1ed. 27514e8. html. Fairus. org. 6 April 2008 fairus. org/. Garibaldi, Mario. 8 MAY 2006. Searchwarp. com. 6 April 2008 http://searchwarp. com/swa61485. htm. Healthcare Reform and Illegal Immigration. 14 June 2007. Ventura County Republican Part y. 6 April 2008 vcrcc. org/press/index. cfm/ID/131. htm. Immigration issues. 2008. About. com. 6 April 2008 http://immigration. about. om/cs/economicslabor/i/ImmHealthCCosts_2. htm. Priestap, Kim. Dont Tell the Pro-Illegal Immigration Crowd: The Border Fence is Working. 5 November 2007. Wizbangblog. com. 6 April 2008 http://wizbangblog. com/content/2007/11/05/dont-tell-the-proillegal-immigration-crowd-the-border-fence-is-working. php. usillegalaliens. com. 6 April 2008 usillegalaliens. com/impacts_of_illegal_immigration_crime_summary. html. Viqueira, Mike. First Read- The cost of that border dence. 26 October 2006. MSNBC. MSN. COM. 6 April 2008 http://firstread. msnbc. msn. com/archive/2006/10/26/8879. aspx.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Free Essays on La Plume

La plume J’te donne la plume pour qu’tu dessines La plus belle ville que t’aies connue Le plus bel hymne que t’ai voulu J’te donne la plume moi j’en veux plus J’te donne la plume pour savoir vivre Parler, à ©crire et danser Pour reste ivre bien à ©veillà © J’te donne la plume et mes conneries Garde les Voil une heure que je t’attends Voil mon cÅ“ur prudence en sortant Compter les heures depuis longtemps Est revenu mon cÅ“ur dà ©poser en sortant J’te donne la plume pour que t’inscrives Perpà ©tuellement la vie construire Ce mouvement si dur J’te donne la plume Moi j’en veux plus Voil une heure que je t’attends Voil mon cÅ“ur prudence en sortant Compter les heures depuis longtemps Est revenu mon cÅ“ur dà ©poser en sortant Voil une heure que je t’attends Voil mon cÅ“ur prudence en sortant Compter les heures depuis longtemps Est revenu mon cÅ“ur dà ©poser en sortant... Free Essays on La Plume Free Essays on La Plume La plume J’te donne la plume pour qu’tu dessines La plus belle ville que t’aies connue Le plus bel hymne que t’ai voulu J’te donne la plume moi j’en veux plus J’te donne la plume pour savoir vivre Parler, à ©crire et danser Pour reste ivre bien à ©veillà © J’te donne la plume et mes conneries Garde les Voil une heure que je t’attends Voil mon cÅ“ur prudence en sortant Compter les heures depuis longtemps Est revenu mon cÅ“ur dà ©poser en sortant J’te donne la plume pour que t’inscrives Perpà ©tuellement la vie construire Ce mouvement si dur J’te donne la plume Moi j’en veux plus Voil une heure que je t’attends Voil mon cÅ“ur prudence en sortant Compter les heures depuis longtemps Est revenu mon cÅ“ur dà ©poser en sortant Voil une heure que je t’attends Voil mon cÅ“ur prudence en sortant Compter les heures depuis longtemps Est revenu mon cÅ“ur dà ©poser en sortant...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

The Article Summaries and Reaction Paper Management of Computers Essay

The Article Summaries and Reaction Paper Management of Computers - Essay Example Proper management of computers in the classroom and lab are so significant in the learning process of the students and so to the security and life of the computer system itself. The Net Support School or NSS, offers a comprehensive and proper management in the use of computers in classroom and computer lab. Their main objective is how to manage the use of computer, printers, and the devices more effectively. Teachers should act as administrator to control the user privileges of the students, they can also log-in and log-off remotely to student's computers through his unit. They can also monitor the screen of every student simultaneously as to observe what the students are doing. During the discussions, monitors or screens of the student's computers should be blank, keyboard and mouse must be locked to gain their focus and attentions. Considering that computer printing is important, teachers should also control the page limit of every student. Computers are subjective to malwares, spywares and other form of viruses, thus teacher or laboratory in-charge should not allow copying of files from USB devices and CDROMS to the hard drives or hard disk. The capabili ty to transfer files or handouts to selected computers and even to all units is also an advantage with regard to time management. In summarizing the proper management of computers, teachers can control various computer privileges such as; application and internet metering and control, teacher security, internet safe search, printer control and device control ( Like the Net Support School, Intel Education Initiative also explained how to manage the computer use effectively, because they know that allocating more time for students in using the computer is so important. They are also taking into consideration about the subject matter, like, having a focus on discrete activities, where work activities are well-defined by the teachers to let the students do a desirable project immediately. They believed that computers must not be used in internet research during work activities for it is just a waste of time, since it could be assigned as homework to students. Creating a checklist for a task and a timeline respectively will help students to be more productive and efficient toward their work. It is also important that proper and appropriate use of computer must be implemented, and whatever inappropriate action will result in losing and deactivation of students' computer access and privilege as a form of their punishment. The computer classroom m ust be made available before school time, during break time, and after school time especially for students who don't have computers at home ( In relation to my own professional thinking, both of the two articles were implementing better practice in proper management of computers in classroom and computer lab. I agree that the teachers should also be the administrator at the same time in terms of giving user access and privilege. Aside from the teaching procedures and guidelines, being a good administrator will also result to harmonious and smooth sailing learning for students. I also agree that during the discussions and defining of task, the monitor, mouse and keyboard should be disabled to let the students listen attentively. In addition to their principles of management, I would like to encourage that the classroom and com

Friday, October 18, 2019

Prison Gangs and Security Threat Groups Research Paper

Prison Gangs and Security Threat Groups - Research Paper Example The research paper "Prison Gangs and Security Threat Groups" establishes the connection between gangs and immigration pointing out how many gangs are non-American in origin and argues that the policy of keeping illegal immigrants in jail has had tremendous social ramifications, one of which is the creation and flourishing of prison gangs. Prison gangs and security threat groups are made up of immigrants – particularly those coming from Latin American countries like Mexico, Puerto Rico and Colombia. A good example from the Florida Bureau of Corrections information website is the Neta, whose membership is made up of Hispanics, primarily those of Puerto Rican descent. They are involved in the drug trade and are often engaged to perform acts of violence, also known as â€Å"hits†. Another example is the Black Guerrilla family, which is made up of blacks and actually is the most political of the gangs, with an anti-racism agenda and a Marxist-Maoist-Leninist ideology. From Mexico, one has the La Nuestra Familia and the Mexican Mafia. The La Nuestra Familia is made up of rural Mexicans, while the Mexican Mafia is made up of urban Mexicans. Both have a deep hatred for each other. In fact, it is said that the Nuestra Familia was formed to protect against the Mexican Mafia. All of these gangs have similar charact eristics: violent methods, a clear hierarchy and structure, and recruitment within the jails. But perhaps the inspiration for these gangs and the most well-known security threat group is none other than the Italian mafia.

Cliffords Arguments Evidentialism Versus Will to Believe Essay

Cliffords Arguments Evidentialism Versus Will to Believe - Essay Example Clifford comes out with a model for intellectual honesty by following the arguments to their roots and refusing doubtful fictions. Clifford’s arguments are basically based on examples. In the first illustration, he involves a captain who believes the vessel is seaworthy. It is, however, a frequently repaired old ship. He represses his doubts, the ship had successfully embarked on voyages before and sets sail. The ship, carrying emigrants, sinks and all the people aboard drown. The shipowner is blameworthy but what if the ship had not gone down and the emigrants reached their destinations in safety? (Feldman, 24). Clifford holds the blame on the ship’s proprietor â€Å"because he had no right to believe on such evidence as was before him†. The belief concerning the ship’s seaworthiness is the shortcoming. It is by reason that he got his belief not by earning it honestly through a cautious investigation but by suppressing his doubts. Given that the voyage would have been a success, the shipowner is at fault because of the inadequacy of evidence laid out. According to Clifford, the crime is in ignorance and creation of the risk and not necessarily in the aftermath in the turn of events. In lawful execution, negligence accompanied but no harmful turn of events is punished in less stern terms in comparison to negligence that resulted in more harm. Clifford helps to explain that in the moral perspective, both are at the same level (James, 39). As illustrated in another case, it’s heard that some powerful individuals, for instance, professors of the University, are propagating dangerous doctrines through deceitful ways. An association for agitation purposed and the members made public accusations concerning these university professors.  Ã‚  

Thursday, October 17, 2019

The Association of Certified Fraud Examiners Essay

The Association of Certified Fraud Examiners - Essay Example The Association of Certified Fraud Examiners describes the elements of fraud as a triangle. The three legs of the triangle are an opportunity, motivation, and rationalization. The company y in question is a local one, and for purposes of the report, referred to as ABC Company. Reference to the employees is by their job titles to safeguard their identity. The company was an agency in San Antonio. It took inbound and outbound calls for several companies such as Southwestern Bell, Sears, Montgomery Wards, customers’ service call for credit card companies, and from the infomercials currently on TV. The company had a large turnover because the employees needed to meet quotas daily in order for them to receive their incentive pay. If the branch made the quota, the branch manager would get a weekly bonus. The company had two payroll departments, one for inbound employees and another for outbound employees. Some quick background on its outbound payroll department showed that ABC Company had a large payroll department that consisted of thirty people in 2000. It also paid out in 15 different locations, from San Antonio, Texas to Mobile, Alabama. The largest locations for the outbound payroll department were San Antonio and Universal City located in Texas. Some teams in the payroll department consisted of a minimum of two people a maximu m of five. Each team reported to a supervisor, who would report to the assistant director, who in turn reported to the director of the department. Some employees were cross-trained so that in the absence of one employee, any other employee would cover the position. 2. Verification specialist - verified data entered into the system and made sure all documents were in payroll files and set up correctly to reflect location and pay. This person entered all information into ADP for all company codes.

Ethics, Law and Health Care Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Ethics, Law and Health Care - Assignment Example However, there is only a female doctor in the hospital at the time and therefore Omar finds himself in a dilemma in deciding what to do. This case raises the issue of ethics in health care. The main ethical issue in the case is on whether it is ethically correct to disclose the patient’s information to his mother and the doctor without going against the rights of the patient (Sullivan, 2009). Identifying Issues The main problem in this situation is that failure to disclosure the patient’s information may mean that he will not receive prompt medical attention. The other problem is to ensure that caregivers do not contravene the rights of the patient or the provisions of the Code of Ethics. Any action taken in this case should ensure that the involvement of the patient and his family (Curtin, 2004). Furthermore, the team of caregivers should also be involved in the action chosen. To address this dilemma, Omar should refer to the Code of Ethics that specifies all the ethic al standards that nurses should adhere. The Code of Ethics also serves an indicator to the community on the standards on human rights and ethical values expected from nurses (Fleming, 2007). The issues arising in this case are entrenched in an unwritten social contract between the public and healthcare givers. The family goes to the health care to receive treatment and care and health care givers are supposed to offer satisfactory care (Fleming, 2007). Evaluating the Issue The issues in the case of Omar and Tim touch on various areas discussed in the Code of Ethics (Australian Nursing and Midwifery Council, 2008b). For one, the issue is based on the requirement to ensure that nurses offer quality care to all people. Particularly, the nurse should recognize that all patients are entitled to quality care (Australian Nursing and Midwifery Council, 2008b). According to the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Council (2008), Value statement 1(2): â€Å"Nurses recognize that people are enti tled to quality nursing care and will strive to secure them the best available nursing care. In the pursuit of this aim, nurses are entitled to participate in decisions regarding a person’s nursing care and are obliged to question nursing care they regard as potentially unethical or illegal†. Consequently, the nurse should ensure that Tim receives holistic care but in making decisions, it must be able to meet the threshold of being ethical and legal. The Code of Ethics also requires that nurses ensure that patients receive quality care from colleagues and therefore Omar has a duty to ensure that Tim receives quality treatment from the doctor. Australian Nursing and Midwifery Council (2008), Value statement 1(3): â€Å"Nurses take steps to ensure that not only they, but also their colleagues, provide quality nursing care.† The other issue arising in this case discussed in the Code of Ethics is the importance of respect and kindness to self and others. Australian N ursing and Midwifery Council (2008), Value 2 (2): â€Å"Respect for people who are health consumers recognizes people who are health consumers recognize their capacity for active and informed participation in their own health. Nurses actively preserve dignity of the people through practiced kindness and recognizing the vulnerability and powerlessness of people in their care†. The way Tim is handled at the hospital can have implications on his dignity and

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The Association of Certified Fraud Examiners Essay

The Association of Certified Fraud Examiners - Essay Example The Association of Certified Fraud Examiners describes the elements of fraud as a triangle. The three legs of the triangle are an opportunity, motivation, and rationalization. The company y in question is a local one, and for purposes of the report, referred to as ABC Company. Reference to the employees is by their job titles to safeguard their identity. The company was an agency in San Antonio. It took inbound and outbound calls for several companies such as Southwestern Bell, Sears, Montgomery Wards, customers’ service call for credit card companies, and from the infomercials currently on TV. The company had a large turnover because the employees needed to meet quotas daily in order for them to receive their incentive pay. If the branch made the quota, the branch manager would get a weekly bonus. The company had two payroll departments, one for inbound employees and another for outbound employees. Some quick background on its outbound payroll department showed that ABC Company had a large payroll department that consisted of thirty people in 2000. It also paid out in 15 different locations, from San Antonio, Texas to Mobile, Alabama. The largest locations for the outbound payroll department were San Antonio and Universal City located in Texas. Some teams in the payroll department consisted of a minimum of two people a maximu m of five. Each team reported to a supervisor, who would report to the assistant director, who in turn reported to the director of the department. Some employees were cross-trained so that in the absence of one employee, any other employee would cover the position. 2. Verification specialist - verified data entered into the system and made sure all documents were in payroll files and set up correctly to reflect location and pay. This person entered all information into ADP for all company codes.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

How Schools Kill Creativity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

How Schools Kill Creativity - Essay Example According to Ken Robinson, recently the system of education has been built in the way that is very utilitarian. Education was never a public system before the 19th century. The educations primary goal is to meet the industrialism need. The effect of industrialism still exists in the today’s school system. Most countries do believe that citizens who do provide abilities of work areas useful citizens and are highly valued more than other citizens of the state (Robinson, 2006). In recent times with the experienced population growth, people have great opportunities to get into college. According to Ken Robinson in the next 30 years, from UNESCO findings many people around the globe will be graduating from colleges. The number is much greater than what history has ever recorded. Contrary to many people having the opportunity of joining college, a degree is not as important as it was taken during the past. Having a mere degree cannot guarantee anyone a job anymore unlike n the past. Today many university graduates go home to carry on playing video games merely because they a masters degree to get a job where in the past you only needed a bachelors degree. It is a process of academic inflation that indicates that the whole system of education is moving beneath our feet. Another significant aspect that contributes to schools killing creativity is that students spent a lot of time on humanity subjects such as political science classes and history classes rather than mathematics and sciences (Robinson, 2006). In most countries around the globe, many students spent the least amount of time on art classes that are usually considered as the admission test of most regular universities. In addition, some subjects are considered more important than others in the art are. For example, Art and Music are given a great importance in most cases and Dance and Drama are viewed as less important.

Improvements in Transportation Essay Example for Free

Improvements in Transportation Essay The growth of the Industrial Revolution depended on the ability to transport raw materials and finished goods over long distances. There were three main types of transportation that increased during the Industrial Revolution: waterways, roads, and railroads. Transportation was important because many people began living in the west and farther away from their homes. Prior to 1750, villagers either had to walk everywhere they went or travel by horse and carriage. The roads were in poor condition and in wet weather they became very muddy with the carriages often becoming bogged down. The villagers spent most of their time trying to repair the roads without receiving any pay for their work, but as turnpikes were created this was no longer a problem. A turnpike is a road that has a smooth layer of crushed rocks, with large rocks underneath. This allows the water to drain properly. Before the steamboat ships had to use the power of the wind in order to move from place to place, and so the speed of travel was limited and slow. Then steamboat emerged, Robert Fulton made the first steam-powered engine to power a steamboat, and in 1807 he demonstrated its use by going from New York City to Albany via the Hudson River. His steamboat was able to carry raw materials across the Atlantic Ocean by the mid 1800s. This was a great advancement for transporting materials. At the turn of the 19th century the steam engine was invented. Even though iron rails were being used in the coal mines, there were no self-propelled locomotives to run on them. James Watt was able to make steam engines faster and more efficient, later when he joined up with a businessman who helped him keep improving it. This eventually led to the first train.

Monday, October 14, 2019

What It Means To Be A Great Power Politics Essay

What It Means To Be A Great Power Politics Essay Great Powers are the most powerful members in the international system. The idea of Great Power plays a significant role in the theory of international relations as any changes in the Great Powers strategies or emergence of new Great Powers normally alter the status quo. This essay began by examining the different criteria used by scholars to define Great Powers, following by my own definition of Great Powers to further discuss and illustrate my understanding of this concept. Today, China plays a new role in the international system, garnering increasing attention around the globe. Chinas economic strength and political clout are already influencing places beyond the Asia Pacific region. Africa, as a place in which Chinese engagement is expanding rapidly, can be used as a region to assess whether China is a Great Power or not. The second part of the essay analyses Chinas foreign policy towards Africa since the 1990s with attention to Chinas objectives there as well as the reactions of the African. Various aspects will be discussed, including Chinas political, economic, military presences and soft power to assess whether China is a Great power in Africa or not. II. Definition of Great Powers in the International System Scholarly definitions The traditional definition of great power can be found in the distinction made at the Paris Peace Conference, which suggested that great power is a state with a global scope of interests in the international arena  [1]  Throughout the years, the concept of great power has been conceptualized by a number of theoretical schools of international relations, for example, realism, liberal internationalism and constructivism. According to a prominent British historian Arnold Toynbee, great power can be defined as a political force exerting an effect coextensive with the widest range of the society in which it operates  [2]  , while one of the leading scholars of the international relations in 20th century, Martin Wight regards, great powers as powers with general interests, i.e. those whose interests are as wide as the state systems itself, which today means worldwide.  [3]  And for Professor Hedley Bull from the University of Oxford, great power contributes to international system by managing their relations with one another; and by exploiting their preponderance in such way as to import a degree of central direction to the affairs of international society as a whole.  [4]  I agree with these viewpoints that the ability to project influence and power beyond its region is a decisive factor for defining greatness. The concept of great power is a pivot in many realists international relations models, including the theory of hegemony, balance of power and the polarity in international system. According to a prominent Neo-realist scholar, Waltz Kenneth stated in his remarkably influential book, Theory of International Politics, the great powers extraordinary positions in the international system enable them to undertake tasks that other states have neither the incentive nor the ability to perform.  [5]   Some realist scholars argued that there is asymmetry of power within the international system. According to Krasner, when power asymmetries are high, the frequency of intervention increase.  [6]  He put forward the argument that a great power intervene the weaker states internal affairs by various norms, values and principles to justify and legitimize their actions. They sometimes violate those values and principles, but themselves stay free from external interference.  [7]   Another realist scholar, Leurdijk also suggested that the international system is in hierarchical relations- relations of dominance and subordination.  [8]  That means, the great powers are those who dominant over the subordinated countries. Therefore, from this perspective, a great power is a state which has more state sovereignty and autonomy it can claim, and it is subject to less external intervention.  [9]  Also, a great power is able to enforce the rule of international law. Meanwhile, contemporary international law incorporates broader ideas more than the rule of non-intervention. According to Khachikian from Stanford University, it now embraces ideas of permissible intervention, such as enforcing international peace, protecting one nationals, preventing a spillover across state borders, stopping mass human suffering and others  [10]   Generally speaking, the traditional definitions of great power emphasize on the powers wide global interests in the international system, while some scholars consider great power as a state which possess the capacity to exercise influence within the international system. From this perspective, great powers are able to intervene their targets of intervention and not being a target of intervention by other actors in the international system. To conclude, we may say that the former viewpoint stress on goal and interests while the latter on put emphasis on capability and influence. Both of the concepts are able to provide us a general view. And it is true that a great power should be a state playing active role in the international system and possess the ability to influence on the region it interested in. Nevertheless, I am of the opinion that the definition of Great Power should also be something more specific and concrete. There need to be a standard unit of account for measuring political power. In this essay, I will assess a countrys power through various defining elements, for example, its geographic base, economic resources, educational and technical level, military potential etc. Great Power in a more tangible sense To be a great power in international system, the nation has to possess not only economic prosperity and military might, but also strong soft power and identity as a leader. In this essay, economic strength refers to the level of development. For soft power, strong cultural ties with other countries, moral strength and technological level should be considered. Identity as a leader refers to the bargaining power in international arena and the ability to take action independently and at the same time, plays an active and co-operative role in the international system. Economic strength Economic strength cannot merely assessed by the size of the economy, but also to what extent, the economy is developed. From my perspective, a great power must be economically developed. Economic development used here includes several meanings: First, the growth of national income (measured by the Gross National Product) or the output of goods and services per head of population. Second, the increase in ability of a society to produce goods and services and to satisfy wants. However, If we consider development as a process of expanding the real freedoms that people enjoy,  [11]  as what Professor Amartya Sen put forward, then one can argue that economic development as a process of expanding the economic freedoms that people enjoy. Apart from monetary value, economic security, living standards, life expectancy, and social welfare like education and health services should also be considered. Therefore, internally within a Great power, people should enjoy the rights to sell and purchase the goods at equilibrium prices provided by a competitive environment which the movement of labor and capital is fr ee. Also, it should be structurally strong in the industrial, financial and technological sectors. Economic growth is often the greatest source of global influence. Nevertheless, high-level of economically developed is just a criterion for being a Great Power. For a Great Power in International System, the country should accept and adapt to the rules of games in the international system. Economically, the country has to cooperate with other leading economies in overcoming obstacles to world trade, being an active part of the international market. Military strength Military strength is a significant factor of a countrys power projection capacity. Military strength of a certain country is usually measured by military expenditure, defense spending, number of military personnel and aircraft carrier, size of navy, etc. However, we should not neglect the level of military technology in assessing a countries power. The arm force of a Great Power should be a modernized one. Furthermore, to be a Great power in international system, the state has to maintain frequent high-level dialogue regarding strategic matters with other actors within the international system. Soft power and identity as a leader The concept of Soft Power is invented by Harvard University political scientist Joseph Nye, he stated that soft power rests on the ability to shape the preferences of others.  [12]  From my point of view, this idea embraces cultural factors, educational level, reputation of the state, etc. The higher the level of soft power, the higher the countrys ability to achieve their objectives in their targeted region, therefore, it is a crucial criteria for being a great power. National image is something intangible but important for a nation to portray itself as a great power. Stability of political and social systems, cultural interactions with other countries, active participation and contributions to world peace are all related to how the country is seen by the outside world. Having respect and prestige, it does not only help the state to overcome its internal problems, but also convince the targeted region that their actions are legitimized. A great power must be able to influence on the region you interested in, at the same time, that region welcome your influence and engagement. As soft power is a key factor for achieving international objectives and legitimizing actions, we should take it into account when assessing a countrys greatness. Furthermore, the state identity as a leader is also a decisive factor. A great power is a state which has bargaining power in international arena and the ability to take action independently. Independent does not mean refusal to bring itself in line with the international system, but referring to not being the target of intervention by other powers. And the identity as a leader also refers to active and co-operative role in the international system. My definition for Great Power is a combination of tangible and intangible elements. To conclude, a great power is an active player in the international arena with strong economic, military strength and soft power, while having interests and capacity to project its influence to places beyond its region. At the same time, the targeted place welcomes its influence. III. Is China a Great Power in Africa? Chinas rapidly increasing engagement in Africa is virtually rooted in her remarkable rise as a global power. With greater involvement into African market in the form of development assistance, trade and investment, together with some level of military cooperation, peacekeeping and employment of soft power, China has emerged as a key-player in Africa. The expansiveness of her activities has gone beyond the Western engagement that came before her in the region and her engagement became one of the most significant developments for Africa in recent years. Through playing an active and positive role in Africa, China has built up her benign image and Great Power status in the world. This part of the paper analyses Chinas foreign policy towards Africa since the early 1990s to discuss whether China is a Great power in Africa or not. As mentioned in the first part of this research paper, one of the criteria to be a Great power is the ability to influence on the region you interested, at the same time, your influence and intervention are welcomed by the region. Therefore, the second part of this paper examines the objectives underlying Chinese foreign policy towards Africa and discusses whether China is successful in achieving those objectives. Chinas involvement on the African continent will be reviewed from various levels, including economic engagement, political presence, military ties and the projection of soft power. It argues that the impressive scale and scope of Chinas engagement together with the positive reactions from African countries to Chinas expanding presence proved China to be a Great Power in Africa. Chinas Objectives in Africa Chinas rapidly expanding engagement in Africa is actually part of its transformation of the foreign policy to a more active one. Chinese objectives in Africa basically include, access to natural resources, export markets,  [13]  projecting her influence beyond the Asia-Pacific region and thus strengthening Chinas status as a Great Power. Facing fierce criticism from the West after the Tiananmen Incident in 1989, China started to establish closer ties with non-Western countries.  [14]  Since African states constitute a massive voting clout as they occupied over one-fourth of the seats in United Nations General Assembly, China can be benefited from developing cordial relations with them. In the 1990s, China greatly increased her assistance to developing countries, especially to African countries.  [15]   China helped African states overcome their tremendous poverty, boosting the African economic through comprehensive investment and development in the region. Beside economic sphere, Chinas contribution in United Nation peacekeeping and continued training and educational assistance reflects Chinas significant role in Africa that it can be conceived as a Great Power in the region. Chinas Political presence in Africa The beginning of the relations between China and Africa can be dated back to the voyages of Zheng He (1372-1433) in the Ming dynasty, while some scholars regarded the Bandung Conference of 1955 marked the real start of Africa-China relations.  [16]  The momentum of closer ties greatly accelerated throughout the last 10 years. Their closer relationships signalized by frequent high-level diplomatic trips by Chinese leaders to African capitals and frequent high-level diplomatic trips by African leaders to Beijing.  [17]  In 2006 there were 48 African states heads gathered in Beijing for the Forums on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC), which marked the largest gathering of African top political leaders outside of the United Nations (UN).  [18]   Besides, there are rapid establishment of African and Chinese migrant communities in both China and Africa. In addition to governmental level interactions, continuing increase in interactions between ordinary Africans and Chinese can also be seen within their relationship.  [19]   The first part of this paper has mentioned that we may assess a country is a Great Power or not from a geographical perspective. Through this perspective, Chinas engagement in Africa is broad enough as a Great Power because it maintains official diplomatic relations with 48 African countries out of the total number of 53.  [20]  Several events reflected African support to China, for example, they supported Beijing to be the host city for 2008 Olympic Games during the International Olympic Committee (IOC) decision-making process. Also, Africa supported Chinas One-China policy and helped prevent Taiwan from getting a seat in United Nations many times.  [21]   Moreover, China is actively participating in the affairs of the African Union (AU). China promised $100-$150 million for constructing permanent headquarters and attended African Union summits in 2006 and 2007.  [22]  Chinas governments assistance has been appreciated by Africa. Jean Ping, the chairperson of the Commission of the African Union, commended China in January 2009 for her contributions to Africa and identified China as Africas key strategic partner.  [23]  He also expressed that the African Union would like to boost consultation and cooperation with China on the regional and international affairs.  [24]   Different from the European great powers in the 19th century, China did not send her troops to Africa to fight wars and depriving the African aborigine. Rather, China has demonstrated effort for keeping peace without appearing military threat. According to Xinhua News Agency in 2007, a total of 1,400 Chinese troops are taking part in separate UN peacekeeping operations in seven African countries, including Sudan, where 415 Chinese peacekeepers are deployed in the south.  [25]  The number of military personnel deployed by China in peacekeeping operations in Africa exceeds those of other permanent members of the UN Security Council, making China the largest contributor of all. Furthermore, China provides financial support to the African Union regarding the peacekeeping in Somalia and Darfur.  [26]   Politically, China has a strong presence and influence in Africa. China also plays an active and constructive role in peacekeeping activities in Africa. At the same time, Chinas role has been highly recognized by the African countries. For example, the top official in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia commended that, never in modern history has a nation successfully made such a determined and massive effort as China has in achieving progress within such a short span of time. Ethiopia has been following this remarkable achievement with great interest and admiration.  [27]  As mentioned above, a Great Power able to influence the region at the same the region welcomes your influence. From this perspective, China is qualified as a Great Power in Africa. Chinas Military Presence in Africa For arm sales to Africa, China ranked the third from 2003 to 2006.  [28]  Although Chinas military ties with Africa are not as strong as political and economic ties, to some African states, military cooperation with China is extremely crucial. Especially for those countries under civil wars but that came under military embargo from the west, for example, Sudan and Zimbabwe. China has established some small arm factories in Sudan and Uganda, producing light weaponry for the region. Besides, in 2005 and 2006, Nigeria purchased missiles and fighter jets from China and in turns, awarded oil contracts to China.  [29]   In fact, China maintains security and military relations with all African countries except those four countries diplomatically recognize Taiwan. In this sense, China maintains a great military presence in the region. Also, its armament sales and peacekeeping activities have the capacity to alter the political situation in Africa. Chinas major objectives in Africa are getting natural resources and maintaining economic interests. And she is able to achieve her goals through providing the military resources to persuade African countries to help her. To counter the American presence in Africa, China will continue to expand its military ties with African countries, at the same time, making contributions to the United States peacekeeping in the region. Chinas steps will further enhance her Great Power status in Africa. Chinas Economic Presence in Africa The volume of China-Africa trade in recent years increased dramatically, from $8.92 billion in 2001 to $40 billion dollars in 2005, $73 billion in 2007, and reached $106.8 billion in 2008. China is now, overtaking Britain and France, became Africas second largest trading partner after the United States.  [30]  31 China has extended scope of duty-free imports from Africa from 190 to 440 items and is discussing with the Southern African Customs Union (SACU) for proposing a free-trade agreement between them.  [32]  African countries greatly appreciated Chinas removal of tariffs on goods as they have been benefited from Chinas action.  [33]   In 2001, Hu Jintao called for Chinese enterprises to go global. Key State Owned Enterprises have begun to set up joint ventures in extractive industries in Africa.  [34]  In 2005, China had already established over 800 enterprises in Africa region.  [35]  In 2009, Chinese investments by both the government and private enterprise in Africa almost tripled in value compared to the figures in 2000.  [36]   Between 2000 and 2003, China provided $1.3billion in debt relief to 27 African countries and an additional $1.2 billion in debt cancellation for 33 African countries in 2006.  [37]  In addition, China has provided considerable amount of development aid, in the form of low-interest loans, to African countries. China provided $13 billion to Angola, $9 billion to the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and $2.5 billion to Ethiopia as well.  [38]   Additionally, China is the members of African Development Bank Group (AfDB), African Development Fund (ADF) and West African Development Bank (WADB). China contributed to the Banks institutional activities, and technical assistance operations to promote economic and social development in Africa. China hosted the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Board of Governors of the AfDB and the 33rd Annual Meeting of the Board of Governors of the ADF in Shanghai in May 2007.  [39]  Besides, China is engaging actively into the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA), and the South African Development Community (SADC).  [40]  All these reflected Chinas pivotal role in Africa. With ongoing economic and trade cooperation and exchange, we can see that China presence in Africa keeps rapidly growing and China has capability to influence events in the region. As African countries are yearning for an alternative to the West that they have relied on over a long period of time, they are in need of Chinese investment and assistance to help develop their economies. Unlike the Western donors who tend to impose Western values like democratic ideas on Africa, China invest and provide aid without much preconditions and interference in their internal affairs, therefore, it is not unimaginable that China is regarded by Africa as a more cooperative and valuable partner to the West. Besides providing loans, China also invest in infrastructure development and many high-visibility projects, that the African leaders generally in favor. Physical infrastructure constructions have been long neglected if not avoided by Western donors.  [41]  Also, Chinese investors are highly reputed by the African of their rapid completion of infrastructures with acceptable qualities.  [42]  Moreover, the General populace in Africa prefers physical infrastructure to monetary aid as the aid money would eventually be manipulated by corrupt leaders. Through providing more practical help, Chinas influence and presence in Africa are further strengthened. Nevertheless, some argue that there are also many complications for China to expand her presence in Africa. The biggest obstacle is the anti-Chinese sentiment resulting from the flooding of cheaper Chinese manufactured goods in African markets. The Chinese firms underbid many local firms in Africa, causing close down of factories and unemployment. However, we should not neglect that import of cheaper goods from China means that the African can buy many goods that they could not afford to purchase before. And the Chinese investment projects at least created some new job opportunities for the Africans. All these actually have improved the living standards of many general Africans. Nowadays, China has already constituted a pivotal part in the African economy. Although the Africans may consider Chinese engagement as a challenge as they worry about Chinas growing global power may turn her role in African to become as stifling as they have experienced with the west  [43]  , generally, they need Chinas participation and the African leaders today consider Chinese embrace as not only a source of investment, but also a chance as well as a counterbalance to the West. Soft power To access a country is a Great power or not, we do not only consider its influence over their targeted regions through economic and military power, but also the influence through soft power. When examining Chinas power in Africa, its projection of soft power should not be neglected. As mentioned in the first part of this paper, soft power rests on the ability to shape the preferences of others  [44]  In this paper, Chinas soft power policy refers to the use of cultural, educational means to boost her image and thus to influence public opinion and persuade nations abroad in Chinas favour. The establishment of Confucius Institutes and the recruitment of international students are prominent forms of Chinese projection of soft power. China has already set up more than 20 Confucius Institutes throughout Africa, teaching African people Mandarin, Chinese history and culture.  [45]   China has educational relationships with 50 African countries and keeps increasing her assistance on training and education to African countries. In 2005, China also hosted the Sino-African Education Minister Forum.  [46]  In 2007, there are around 5,900 students from Africa studying in China, with most of them receiving scholarships provided by the Chinese government.  [47]  The Chinese government also promised to double the number of such scholarships by 2011,  [48]  and establish 10 agricultural technology centers in Africa.  [49]  Every year, China trained large number of African professionals in fields of agriculture, education, medical science, etc. Besides, Chinas state-run Xinhua news agency also trains African journalists in both Africa and China.  [50]   Chinas use of education, technical training and cultural exchange as a channel of employing soft power is successful in boosting Chinas image in Africa and thus expanding its global influence. The projection of soft power can essentially gain the support from the general public in Africa. With closer and closer educational relationships, the future generations and educated elites in Africa will certainly have better understanding about China. Having support from governments, and non-governmental actors, including both educated elites and general populace, China gained legitimacy as a Great Power. IV. Conclusion My definition of great power as mentioned in the first part of the essay, is an active player in the international arena with strong econ

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Marcus Brutus as the Tragic Hero in Julius Caesar :: Julius Caesar Essays

Marcus Brutus as the Tragic Hero in Julius Caesar      Ã‚   There is no such thing as the perfect person.   We may dream of such a person, but sadly, everyone has flaws.   These flaws are what make us human.   Something else that makes us human is our need for heroes.   We attribute 'perfect' qualities to our heroes.   In reality even our heroes are flawed.   The closest thing to the idealized person, or hero, is the Shakespearean tragic hero.   The tragic hero is someone of high standing, good character, and a flaw.   While it may be only one flaw, it is often fatal.   An example of a tragic hero can be best seen in William Shakespeare's play Julius Caesar.   Marcus Brutus is a prominent leader and noble citizen of Rome who leads in the assassination of Julius Caesar.   We see that Brutus plays the role of the tragic hero through his noble standing, fatal flaw, and legacy.      Ã‚  Ã‚   Marcus Brutus is of noble standing which adds to his appeal as a tragic hero. At one point Cassius says   "'Brutus' and 'Caesar.' What is so special about the name 'Caesar'........... yours sounds as good." (  Ã‚   )   This indicates that Brutus is held in the same esteem as Julius Caesar.   Most tragic heroes are of high standing because they are easily recognizable.   Tragic heroes are usually portrayed as prominent social figures so when they fall they fall harder.  Ã‚        Ã‚  Ã‚   Brutus's fatal flaw is his trustworthy nature.   He joins the conspiracy not because he "loved Caesar less but loved Rome more."   (  Ã‚   )   Brutus joins the conspiracy under the impression that he is preventing Caesar's tyranny and saving the people of Rome.   He also trusts the motives of the other conspirators.   In entering the conspiracy he is also responsible for the death of Caesar and the movement of the plot.   The civil war is a direct result of Caesar's assassination and eventually Brutus's own death.   Brutus's fall is definitely caused by his trustworthy nature.      Ã‚  Ã‚   Through his legacy Brutus leaves the world an important lesson.   Marc Antony remembers Brutus as "the noblest Roman of them all."(  Ã‚   )   Despite his death and loss in the war, Brutus is still remembered as noble, in this he represents the moral of the play.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Novel Deliverance as a Prophecy of Man :: James Dickey Deliverance Essays

The Novel Deliverance as a Prophecy of Man A true survivor can only depend on himself. The novel Deliverance is a story about four characters each with different views on surviving. Every man in the world can relate to one of the three secondary characters in the novel Deliverance. Men can relate to Lewis Medlock for his primitive views, Drew for his rationality, or Bobby for his lack of ability to survive. Many people say that Lewis is the man that most men want to be like, Drew is the man that most men are like, and Bobby is the man that most men fear becoming. Lewis is the man most men want to be because he does not depend on anyone or anything. He loves a challenge and will do anything he can to live life to its fullest extent. Ed Gentry, the central character, represents all in the way he looks up to Lewis and strives to be like him. Most men fall into the same category as Drew because their ability to survive has been clouded by rational thoughts. Then there is Bobby. Most men do not want to be linked with Bobby be cause he can not live without help from civilization. Even though these characters posses many of the same traits, their main differences are in their ability to survive life. They also have different views on life. Lewis sees life as a game that you must constantly challenge if you are to survive. Drew sees life as a struggle that should never be challenged. Then there is Bobby who sees life as something he does not have to worry about because their will always be someone their to help him through it. All three of these characters possess traits that can be identified in every man. First there is Lewis, a middle aged man that is at the prime of his life, and fears nothing. He is the strongest character in the book. He is, "†¦ a physical-conditioning perfectionist with misplaces survival-of-the-fittest instincts and cave-man yearnings"(Warren). Lewis is the man that most men want to be like because he needs no one to survive but himself. He constantly demonstrates a primitive l ife-style that no longer exists. The primitive life-style he demonstrates is one of survival. Lewis is an attractive character for males because of his need for no one. He needs no one to life his life for him.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Consumer Retail Electronics Industry Analysis

Industry Analysis The US retail consumer electronics (CE) market had reported revenues of $180 billion in 2010. The different revenue streams that make up the reported annual revenue in 2010 for the CE market can be divided into five key areas: Consumer Electronics (CE), which consist of video and audio products; Home Office which consist of PC’s, notebooks, netbooks, tablets, and mobile phones; Appliances; Entertainment Hardware and Software; and Services (see Figure 1).Total sales from the Top 10 electronics retailers grew by 6% in 2011 to reach $110 billion. The past two business cycles, have been marked by slow growth, the fall of an CE empire, Circuit City, and complete flat line growth of key product areas such as TV’s. The market showed minor gains after the fall of Circuit City, but the growth can be attributable to the redistribution of Circuit City’s customer base. The major players in this market such as Best Buy, Target, Wal-Mart, RadioShack, ect†¦, only grew by 4. 5% in 2011.This is primarily due to the release of tablets, and netbooks, and not from existing product lines, already in place. It is definitely apparent that redistribution in consumer buying patterns like the shift to online shopping on retailers like Amazon. com has definitely impacted the nature of CE retailers. Cognizant Technology Solutions conducted a market study on the Retail CE market, in which they have identified 3 key areas which will continue to spur changes within the Retail CE market over the next few years.These 3 key areas as identified by Cognizant are Consumer sophistication and frugality, cut-throat competition, and millennial consumer behavior. Consumer Sophistication and Frugality The shift from moving to a commodity centered market, with the advent of online CE retailers like Amazon, the affect is in the efforts of the sales staff, which has been highly reduced, shoppers know exactly what they are looking for, for the most part, and use t hese retail brick and mortar shops as showrooms, where they go to touch and feel the merchandise, before they actually decide to purchase these item.These customers then usually retreat to the comforts of their home, or the nearest Starbucks, where they usually purchase the same exact item online usually through an online retailer like Amazon. In addition to this sophistication consumers have also become very frugal due to depressed economic conditions, and the high unemployment rate that is constantly rising. Consumers are looking for the best deal possible and if it means waiting few days for the item to be shipped then that is what they will do.From a business standpoint this new ideal poses certain operational challenges, Profit Margins (PM), and Distribution. Prices of high ticket items such as large flat screens and high priced PC’s have consistently declined, the sales that have occurred for this submarket have strictly been for replacement or extension sales & service s. These items usually have the highest margins of all CE products.To curb this retailers have revised their revenue mix, by including more lower margin items such as notebook PC’s and TV’s, and higher margin products which are sure fire sales such as smartphones, and tablets. Retailers that have focused on single channel distribution strategies such as the retail store model have had to invest in multichannel distribution strategies to compete with the shift in consumer buying behaviors. This method of buying has forced retailers to offer more options in addition to maintain their brick and mortar establishments.Cut Throat Competition Today’s CE retailers have always been confronted with difficult issues, but the pressures to produce a profit are even greater than ever before. Modern CE retailers face significant market competition from the likes of discounters such as Wal-Mart, and online retailers such as Amazon. An even more interesting dichotomy that has oc curred in the CE market is the inability to determine supplier from competitor. This has occurred with Apple products, which designs and sells the most demanded consumer electronics.Apple has strict controls as to who distributes their products, any retailer outside of this Apple sphere is at a severe disadvantage and missing out on an entire market of customers they could have had engaging in commerce. Generation Y and Consumer Behavior The multitasking, always electronically connected group of people we call Generation Y or better known as the millennia’s continue to drive the innovation that is occurring in the notebook/ tablet, and smartphone product lifecycles, which have consistently drove the need for companies like Apple, and the like to have product releases every 6 months.This has created submarkets for the sales of accessories for the new products as well as service plans from Telecommunications Service providers for data plans to access the internet, and other med ia such as streaming music, and video via services like YouTube, and Netflix. This push for the access of media has forced retailers to get into the content provider business.With the advent of the internet and mobile devices generation Y’ers have instant access to price differentials across different channels enabling them to compare, and price shop while in the actual store standing in front of a product. This has decreased the need for sales staff, and these groups of consumers have relied on prices shopping, and social media, looking at reviews products, as well as what their friends have purchased via Facebook, ect†¦ to assist them in their CE purchases, this form of purchase has become known as â€Å"social purchasing†.